JSU Senior Taylor Register Receives National Honor

JSU senior Taylor Register has been awarded the Order of Omega Scholarship, one of the highest honors given to Greek students, for her leadership, service and scholarship.
A member of Zeta Tau Alpha, Taylor received the $100 scholarship because of her active involvement in the fraternity and sorority community at JSU. She has served as an executive officer on the Panhellenic Council, a recruitment guide and a leader within her chapter.
“She is committed to improving the fraternity and sorority experience at JSU,” said Joshua Robinson, assistant dean of students, Fraternity and Sorority Life.
Order of Omega was established in 1959 to recognize students for their service to the Greek community and their university. The Greek honorary organization only recognizes the top 3 percent of university juniors and seniors.
“It was an honor and a blessing that I was chosen as one of the recipients to receive the scholarship,” Taylor said. “Plus, it shows that hard work pays off. I wouldn’t be where I am today without being a part of Order of Omega.”
Taylor is an early elementary childhood education major planning to graduate in December.