Scale Back Alabama Launches Jan. 22

JSU’s Wellness Center will serve as a weigh-in site for the state’s largest weight loss and exercise program, Scale Back Alabama, launching Jan. 22.
Scale Back Alabama is a free nine-week weight loss program designed to encourage Alabamians to get healthy and have fun while doing it. Participants team up with a friend and have the chance of winning individual and team prizes.
“At JSU, we know the importance of good health and also realize that our community could use some healthy tips and encouragement,” said Gina Mabrey, interim head of the JSU Department of Kinesiology. “People working to lose weight are more successful with support and encouragement, and Scale Back Alabama offers a fun way to team up with another individual to get healthy.”
Two-person teams must register online and then go to an official weigh-in site the week of Jan. 22. At JSU, Stephenson Hall will serve as a weigh-in site Jan. 22-26, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. All participants must be 18 years of age and older, live or work in Alabama and must weigh-in at an official site. Those who lose at least 10 pounds will be included in a drawing for cash prizes on April 17.
Since the first competition in 2007, Alabamians have lost more than one million pounds on Scale Back Alabama. The program is a collaboration between the Alabama Hospital Association, the Alabama Department of Public Health and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. For more information, visit