Phi Mu Raises More than $13K for Children's Miracle Network

JSU’s chapter of Phi Mu recently raised more than $13,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network as part of its first-ever Dance Marathon.
Dance Marathon fundraisers are hosted by 300 college campuses across the US – bringing students, families and community members together to dance, celebrate and serve children and families connected to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Phi Mu at JSU set a goal of $5,000 in donations and each student worked tirelessly to register dancers, collect donations, gather sponsors and sell event t-shirts. More than 100 students and community members came together to make encouraging cards for hospital-bound kids, decorate a wagon donated for a child and hear from speakers touched by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Of course, no Dance Marathon would be complete without dancing. Participants had a blast dancing with a Zumba instructor throughout the event.
The sisters of Phi Mu are thrilled to announce they were able to more than double their original goal, collecting $13,639.59 to support children who need it most. The fundraiser is a perfect example of how Phi Mu strives to embody its organization's committment to “lend to those less fortunate a helping hand.”