Cheer Team Hosting Programs for Area Youth

The award winning Gamecock cheerleading team is spreading its enthusiasm and technique with future cheerleaders at two upcoming events.
Kiddie Cheer Camp - On Nov. 12, boys and girls ages 4 to 12 are invited to be a JSU cheerleader for a day at Kiddie Cheer Camp. Participants will take part in a two-hour clinic, from 12:30-2:30 p.m., and then perform what they’ve learned during halftime at the women’s basketball game against Florida State. The fee is $40 and includes a shirt and kids ticket into the game. Instruction will take place in the old Kitty Stone Elementary School gym and parents will have to transport participants to the basketball game at Pete Mathews Coliseum.
Stunting and Recruiting Clinic - On Nov. 19, high school students interested in cheering for JSU are invited to a stunting and recruiting clinic, 2-5 p.m., in the old Kitty Stone Elementary School gym. The fee is $45.
All proceeds for these programs will help send the JSU cheer team to nationals this spring. For more information on either of these opportunities, contact JSU’s new cheer coach, RJ Conroy, at 256-782-8386 or