JSU Family Day

It will be “fam meet fam” weekend on Oct. 13-14 when JSU students invite their loved ones to campus to meet their new JSU family! The following events are open to all students and their families, so be sure to bring mom, dad, little sis, maw maw, and auntie!
Friday, October 13
4-5:30 p.m.
Check in at the Theron Montgomery Building lobby to get the lowdown on the weekend of festivities, while enjoying performances by the JSU Chamber Singers and Jazz Ensemble.
5-7 p.m.
Stroll through campus at the Academic Open House, visiting the following departments:
- Dean of Students Office - Theron Montgomery Building, Fourth Floor
- School of Business and Industry - Merrill Hall, Finance Lab
- Department of Biology - Martin Hall
- Department of Chemistry and Geosciences - Martin Hall
- ROTC - Rowe Hall
- Drama – Stone Center
- Math and Computer Information Systems - Ayers Hall
6 p.m.
Give back to Children’s Miracle Network while getting footloose at the Phi Mu Dance Marathon, held at the Jacksonville Community Center
Saturday, October 14
8-10 a.m.
Cocky Breakfast, Jack Hopper Dining Hall, $5
9-10 a.m.
Planetarium Show, Martin Hall
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Phi Mu Family Weekend Brunch, Jacksonville Train Depot
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Family Tailgate: Come out to Dillon Field and enjoy music from the 80s cover band, Rhythm Nation, as well as inflatables, an insta-print photo booth, corn hole tournament and more! President John Beehler and First Lady Dr. Pam Beehler will be passing out “Mom” and “Dad” pins and chatting with guests at 11 a.m. A hotdog bar will serve up lunch, 12-1 p.m. The following organizations will also be hosting tailgate booths: Alpha Omicron Pi, Alpha Xi Delta, Delta Zeta, Phi Mu, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Tau Delta Phi.
3 p.m.
JSU Gamecocks vs. Eastern Kentucky, Burgess-Snow Field