JSU Calls for Applications for Second GenCyber Security Camp


Jacksonville State University is excited to announce that the second GenCyber camp will take place July 10-14 in Ayers Hall on the university’s campus. The week-long camp will provide cyber security training for 25 high school and middle school teachers in the fields of math, computer science, technology and social studies.

This is the second year that this camp has been made possible by a grant from the National Security Agency (NSA). In July 2016, JSU hosted the first-ever Cybersecurity Training Camp, funded by the first GenCyber Security grant, for middle and high school teachers. During that week, members from NSA were present to review the inaugural camp. One NSA observer called the JSU GenCyber camp a “rising star among other GenCyber camps across the country.” This popular camp will now make a second appearance at JSU.

“The principal objectives of the project are to stimulate interest in cyber security education and disseminate knowledge by training teachers on cyber security and providing them with course modules that they can adopt in their respective classes,” stated Guillermo A. Francia III, JSU distinguished professor, director for the Center for Information Security and Assurance (CISA) and program director for the grant project. “To ensure project success, the participants are required to use the acquired curriculum materials or create their own in teaching cyber security concepts to their students.”

Each participant must attend the course in its entirety and will receive a continuing education certificate, and a certificate of attendance from the National Security Agency (NSA) and JSU. Travel stipend is not guaranteed.

While admission is free, this event is limited to 25 participants. Participation is only offered to middle or high school teachers in science, mathematics, computers, technology or social studies. Applicants must include a letter of intent, letter from his/her supervisor on why they want the applicant to attend the course. More information on the camp and how to apply can be found here.  

For additional information about the camp, please contact Dr. Francia at gfrancia@jsu.edu or Dr. Richards at grichards@jsu.edu