Study Abroad in Costa Rica in 2018


Looking for adventure? Travel to Costa Rica with your fellow Gamecocks in May 2018! Biology Professor Benjie Blair will lead JSU students on a nine-day study abroad trip May 17-25, 2018, exploring the life, culture and natural history of the Central American country.

“The biodiversity of the region across Costa Rica is incredible,” said Blair. “To be able to tour an entire cross-section of the country in nine days is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

Students will experience Costa Rican culture and biological diversity on boat, kayak, raft, and zip-line to experience the landscape as they learn. Led by Blair and professional tour guides, the adventure will begin in San Jose and continue through Tortuguero, Sarapiqui, Arenal, Guanacaste, Ricon de la Vieja and Liberia.  

Sign up early to take advantage of a $200 discount available until the end of March 2017. Payment plans are available to make the trip more affordable. Students must qualify with the Honors Program to participate. For more information, click here or contact Benjie Blair, 256-782-5643 or, or Janet Whitmore, 256-782-5696 or