Calhoun County Civic Chorale to Present Winter Concert on December 4

On Sunday, December 4, 2016, the Calhoun County Civic Chorale will present its Winter Concert at 3:00 p.m. at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels in Anniston. The Chorale is under the direction of Patricia Corbin, director of Choral Activities at Jacksonville State University, and is accompanied by Lorna Lee Curtis, organist at the United Methodist Church of Heflin.
Featured works on the program include Antonio Vivaldi’s "Magnificat," and Ralph Vaughan Williams’ "Fantasia on Christmas Carols," with JSU voice faculty member, Dr. Nathan Wight as guest soloist, along with other smaller works.
The Calhoun County Civic Chorale is one of six choral ensembles sponsored by the JSU David L. Walters Department of Music. Singers in the Chorale are community members and JSU students and faculty, and many of them will be featured soloists on the concert as well.
The Church of St. Michael and All Angels is located at 1000 West 18th Street in Anniston. This concert is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact the JSU Choral Activities office at (256)-782-5544.