Calhoun County Civic Chorale Open to New Members

The Calhoun County Civic Chorale will begin its Fall 2016 season on Monday, Aug. 29, at 7:15 p.m., in the Performance Center of Mason Hall at JSU. This first rehearsal is a “New Member Open House,” where interested singers may come and check out the chorale without further obligation. The chorale welcomes singers who have voices that can blend well with others, are able to learn their individual vocal part from written music and enjoy singing classical choral masterworks.
The dues for chorale members are $25 plus the cost of music. JSU students interested in receiving credit for this ensemble should register for “Chorus.”
The chorale will begin rehearsing music for its Winter Concert, which will be held on Dec. 4 at the Church of Saint Michael and All Angels in Anniston. The featured works on the concert will be Antonio Vivaldi’s “Magnificat,” Ralph Vaughan Williams’ “Fantasia on Christmas Carols,” and other smaller works.
The chorale is one of five choral ensembles sponsored by the David L. Walters Department of Music at Jacksonville State University. It is under the direction of Dr. Patricia Corbin, JSU Director of Choral Activities, and will be accompanied by Dr. Lornalee Curtis on piano. The singers in the chorale are members of the community and JSU students and faculty. The group rehearses every Monday evening, following the JSU calendar up until the final performance. In addition to its final concert, the chorale will be also participate in the music department’s memorial concert for Dr. David L. Walters on Nov. 18.
For further information about the Calhoun County Civic Chorale or any of JSU's choral ensembles, please contact Dr. Corbin at 256-782-5544 or