FrogWatch USA Workshop Slated for April 16

Jacksonville State University and the Little River Canyon Center are pleased to announce an upcoming citizen scientist program, FrogWatch USA. JSU will be hosting a work shop on Saturday, April 16, from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m., in Rm. 130 of Martin Hall. This program is for adults interested in volunteering with FrogWatch USA.
FrogWatch is a long-term frog and toad monitoring program managed by the American Zoo Association (AZA) with over ten years of data that helps scientists study amphibian population trends. It is also an exciting hands-on tool for learning about amphibians and wetland conservation. Dr. Laurencio from Auburn University and JSU’s Dr. Cline will lead this workshop followed by a visit to a local wetland. Dinner will be provided. Admission to this workshop is free, and the deadline to register is Thursday, April 14th.
For more information or to register, please call (256)-782-8010.