March 9 Wellness Wednesday Focuses on Healthy Irish Favorites


On the dessert menu for the March 9 Wellness Wednesday- Irish Creme Brownie. (courtesy)
When it comes to your health, do you feel lucky? 
Good genes can only get us so far. The rest depends on eating right and choosing a healthy lifestyle.
That's where Wellness Wednesday comes in. Join the JSU Exercise Science and Wellness and Family and Consumer Sciences departments for "Clover Your Health," a healthy Irish meal, on Wednesday, March 9 from noon-1 p.m. in East Mason Hall Room 118. 
There will be a short presentation before the meal, which includes:
  • Healthy Irish Pub Salad
  • Marinated Pork Tenderloin
  • Colcannon - authentic Irish dish with a healthy spin
  • Skinny Glazed Carrot
  • Irish Creme Brownies  
Cost is $5 for students, $7 for faculty/staff. To reserve your place at the table, call ext. 5054. To-go orders welcome!