JSU Drama to Present Euripides' "The Bacchae" Nov. 12-15

“I must defend my mother, Semele, and make people see I am a god, born by her to Zeus.” -- Dionysus
Written more 2,000 years ago, Euripides’s work “The Bacchae” is one of the strangest and most engaging of the Greek tragedies. Dionysus, the god of wine, prophecy, religious ecstasy, and fertility, returns to his birthplace in Thebes seeking revenge and to punish the skeptics and those who believed the lies about his mother and his own conception. Director Caroline Price's concept, which will be presented by the JSU Drama Department at the Ernest Stone Center for the Performing Arts on the JSU campus Nov. 12-15, imagines what happens when the powers that be decide to outlaw the worship of the god of "sex, drugs and rock and roll" and the price that is paid for defying Dionysus.
JSU Drama’s production also features a great soundtrack and imaginative design, along with powerful performances by JSU students and assistant professor Michael Boynton as Dionysus. Translation is by Robert Woodruff.
Performances will be Nov. 12-14 at 7 p.m. and Nov. 15 at 2 p.m. This play is appropriate for ages 13 and older.
For more information and to purchase tickets visit the JSU Drama website or call the box office, (256) 782-5648.
Complete Cast
Dionysus: Michael Boynton
Tiresius: Dakota Yarborough
Cadmus: Cody Hays
Pentheus: Cheyenne Oliver
Agave/1st Messenger: Jessica Reaves
Soldier/2nd Messenger: Patrick Jackson
The Chorus of Women: Ebony Antoine (Chorus Leader), Susan Cattret, Halima Kamara, Jessika Holmes
Director: Caroline L. Price
Choreography: T. Fulton Burns
Stage manager: Macon Prickett
Scenic design: Jennifer Ivey
Lighting design: Robert Graham
Costume design: Freddy Clements
Sound Design: Santanna McKinney-Carlton