Oct. 7 Wellness Wednesday to Offer Cancer-Fighting Lunch, Education

Did you know that what you eat can affect your risk for cancer? Recent research suggests eating a diet higher in alkaline foods may lower your cancer risk. At the least, an alkaline diet means you’ll consume a diet higher in fruits and vegetables and lower in sodium, which definitely provides healthy cancer-fighting benefits.
On Wednesday, Oct. 7, have a lunch of cancer-fighting foods and learn more about how a healthy lifestyle reduces cancer risk at Wellness Wednesday, sponsored by JSU’s Family and Consumer Sciences and Health, Physical Education and Recreation departments. The lunch and short program will begin at noon in 118 East Mason Hall on the JSU campus.
On the menu are:
- Appetizer- Leafy green salad with vegetables, tossed in balsamic dressing
- Entree- Lemon Garlic Herb Crusted Salmon
- Side Item- Cancer-fighting vegetables
- Dessert- Lavender Scented Strawberries with Honey Cream
The price for students is $5; for all others it is $7. If you can’t spend the lunch hour with us, takeout is available.
To make your reservation or for more information please call 256-782-5054.