JSU Center for Applied Forensics Receives $34,000 Training Grant

MONTGOMERY— Gov. Robert Bentley has awarded a $34,000 grant to help provide professional development training sessions for crime scene investigators in northeast Alabama.
Grant funds will be used to conduct four training sessions at Jacksonville State University’s Center for Applied Forensics. These sessions will train and equip 100 individuals actually engaged in the documentation and collection of crime scene evidence.
“Equipping police and sheriff’s deputies with the tools and training they need to collect evidence properly ensures the prosecution of offenders will be more effective and helps protect those who are innocent,” Bentley said. “I commend the center for its pursuit of justice and safety of Alabama’s residents.”
JSU and local law enforcement agencies in northeast Alabama together established the CFAF in 2012 to provide crime scene assistance, continuing education opportunities regarding crime scene processing and the evaluation of new technologies applicable to forensics at the local level.
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the grant from funds made available by the Department of Justice. ADECA manages a wide range of programs that support law enforcement, economic development, infrastructure upgrades, recreation, energy conservation, water resources, job training and career development.
Bentley notified JSU President John Beehler that the grant had been approved.