JSU’s National Society of Collegiate Scholars Receives Prestigious Award

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) recently held its ScholarCon Conference in Orlando, Florida, June 25-28. Anna Bowden, president of the Jacksonville State University chapter, and Ashley Toney, vice president, attended the Scholar Con Conference. During the Honor Gala Star awards luncheon the JSU chapter was recognized as a Gold Star Chapter recipient. This award is based on chapter participation and program initiatives rendered throughout the academic school year. The JSU chapter was chartered in the fall of 2014.
The Scholar Con Conference gives members an opportunity to come together to meet smart, innovative and driven peers in order to figure out how to achieve their goals after college in this new, entrepreneurial, social media, and tech-driven environment. Scholar Con provides an engaging platform where scholars create a community driven by bold ideas and inspired action. Participants are able to attend officer workshops and hear from spark session speakers, where some of the most ambitious individuals around will share how they turned their great ideas into a success.
NSCS is a premier honor society, which invites high-achieving first- and second-year undergraduates with a 3.4 G.P.A, while recognizing and rewarding its members throughout their lifetime. NSCS has more than 300 chapters, including the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell University, Rice University, the University of Michigan, and the University of California Los Angeles.
NSCS is housed in the office of the vice provost and academic advisement; Michelle Green serves as the chapter advisor. For more information, please contact Michelle Green at amgreen@jsu.edu or Anna Bowden at abowden2@jsu.edu.
Photo: Anna Bowden and Ashley Toney at the NSCS conference (courtesy Michelle Green).