Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority at JSU Wins Top Awards

On June 25-29, 2014, Zeta Tau Alpha sorority held its biennial National ZTA Convention in Los Angeles, CA. National Officers and delegates from each of ZTA’s collegiate and alumnae chapters across the country attended the convention to elect the new National Council, learn about new fraternity programming, and to recognize ZTA chapters who have excelled over the past two years.
JSU delegates Meg Nevels, President; Elizabeth Spoon, Treasurer; and Sydney Jones, Historian, were honored to receive awards on behalf of their chapter. On the last night of Convention, ZTA National Council hosts the Recognition Banquet, where the most coveted awards – the Silver Awards – are given out to the top ZTA chapters in the country. Each award is accompanied by a large engraved silver tray, earning these awards their “Silver” nickname. Zeta Psi Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha at Jacksonville State was honored to receive 1st Runner up to the Merit Award, which is the third highest award given by the Fraternity, a distinction that ranks JSU’s ZTA chapter sixth among all ZTA chapters in the nation. The Merit Award, first given at the 1948 Golden Anniversary Convention, is given to a chapter in recognition of outstanding and sustained achievement and leadership (within the chapter and on campus) maintained over a period of years.
Zeta Psi chapter of ZTA at JSU also took home the Quota/Total Award for maintaining maximum chapter size all year and the prestigious Crown Chapter Award, which is awarded by ZTA National Council to collegiate chapters who maintain excellence in all facets of chapter programming, service, recruiting, finances, scholastics, member involvement, and chapter management. In addition, the JSU chapter was given the Academic Achievement Award for maintaining a Highly Commendable GPA of 3.0 or higher each semester. Lastly, JSU’s ZTA chapter was inducted into the Founders Club, for chapters who raise the most money for the national philanthropy, Breast Cancer Education and Awareness. Zeta Psi Chapter at JSU raised $66,000 for the Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation over the biennium, the chapter from the smallest university to do so.
Zeta Tau Alpha was founded at Longwood University in Virginia in 1898, and is now third largest among the 26 national Panhellenic sororities, with 248 collegiate ZTA chapters, 242 ZTA alumnae organizations, and over 228,835 members worldwide. Zeta Psi Chapter at JSU was chartered in 1969. This past year, ZTA at JSU was awarded the President’s Gold Cup and was recognized for the highest sorority GPA, with a 3.28 chapter average for the Spring 2014 semester.
Zeta Tau Alpha will participate in JSU’s Panhellenic Recruitment of new members August 14-18, 2014, and encourages all unaffiliated women to register for Formal Recruitment through the JSU Student Life website. For more information about ZTA at JSU, visit jsu.zetataualpha.org, follow @ZTAJSU on Twitter and Instagram, and “like” Zeta Tau Alpha at Jacksonville State on Facebook.
Photo Top Right: (Left to right) JSU Delegates Sydney Jones, Elizabeth Spoon, and Meg Nevels with the ZTA Silver Award and ZTA National Vice-President Collegiate Lynn Chapman and ZTA Province President Laura Van Pelt (photo courtesy of Dr. Andrea Porter/ JSU ZTA chapter advisor).
Photo Bottom: JSU Delegates receive the Crown Chapter Award from ZTA National Vice-President Collegiate (photo courtesy of Dr. Andrea Porter/ JSU ZTA chapter advisor).