JSU SGA Officers to Attend National Student Government Training Conference July 17-20


The JSU Student Government Association will send representatives to this summer’s National Student Government Training Conference in Orlando on July 17-20. 

Sponsored by the American Student Government Association, the National Student Government Training Conference is an annual conference featuring nearly 50 workshop sessions, 40 brainstorming roundtables, multiple acclaimed keynote speakers and more than 24 intense, information-packed hours of practical help, research, and advice on how to improve student government.

The 2014 conference is one of the largest student government conferences in America. Attendance is expected to exceed 300 student government leaders and advisors from all types and sizes of colleges and universities nationwide.

Attending on behalf of JSU will be:

  • Brett A. Johnson – President
  • Tyler J. Brown – VP of Student Senate
  • Kalyn A. Cabral – VP of Student Activities
  • Ariel S. Tolson – VP of Organizational Affairs
  • Andrew G. York – Chief Justice
  • Courtney C. Curtis – Director of Publicity
  • Debbie Taylor – SGA Advisor

“This conference is a great way for our new officers to learn from and connect with student government leaders from across the nation,” said SGA President Brett Johnson. “We hope to gain valuable insight on improving publicity of student activities and efficiency of SGA councils and committees, among other things,” said Johnson.

“It’s all about bringing together bright minds from diverse backgrounds and exchanging ideas with the goal of increasing the voice of students at JSU and nationwide,” said Johnson.