Second 'One Billion Rising' Event Scheduled for Feb. 14 at JSU

On February 14, 2014, at 4 p.m., Jacksonville State University and communities all across Northeast Alabama will join with activists around the world for ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE. The campaign will build upon the energy and momentum that was created on February 14, 2013 when one billion activists in 207 countries and territories came together to rise, strike, and dance in the biggest mass action in human history, to demand an end to violence against women and girls.
This year we will focus on the issue of justice for all survivors of gender violence and ending the rampant impunity that prevails globally. ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is a call to women, men, and youth around the world to gather safely on 14 February 2014 outside places where they are entitled to receive justice – court houses, police stations, government offices, school administration buildings, work places, sites of environmental injustice, military courts, embassies, places of worship, homes, college campuses or simply public gathering places where women deserve to feel safe but too often do not.
The campaign recognizes that we cannot end violence against women without looking at the intersection of poverty, racism, war, the plunder of the environment, capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy. Impunity lives at the heart of these interlocking forces.
From February 10 through February 14, 2014, JSU and surrounding communities will feature several empowering events of education, celebration, and movement which will lead to our big finale. We will close the week on Valentine’s Day with a huge celebratory and awe inspiring event. This event will feature many activities with students and community members at its core. The event is FREE! It will be hosted at the TMB (Theron Montgomery Building) Auditorium from 4-6 p.m. (just in time to get that fabulous V-Day dinner). T-shirts will be sold at the event or can be purchased at 2nd Chance, Inc. located at 304 South Wilmer Avenue in Anniston for $10.
To learn more about One Billion Rising for Justice Jacksonville State University or if your organization would like to participate, call 256-689-0327 or e-mail the organization at
About One Billion Rising
One Billion Rising was the biggest mass action in human history. The campaign began as a call to action based on the staggering UN statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. With the world population at 7 billion, this adds up to more than ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS. On 14 February 2013, people across the world came together to strike, dance, and RISE in defiance of the injustices women suffer, demanding an end at last to violence against women. Over 10,000 events took place on the ground and the campaign took over media and social media worldwide for 48 hours, trending in 7 countries – 4 times in the US alone. The wildly successful grassroots campaign was covered widely by media in all corners of world including The New York Times, The Guardian, NPR, and many more.
About V-Day
V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler’s award winning play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works. The V-Day movement has raised over $100 million; educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it; crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns; reopened shelters; and funded over 13,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, Egypt, and Iraq. V-Day has received numerous acknowledgements and awards and is, one of the Top-Rated organizations on both Charity Navigator and Guidestar.
V-Day’s most recent global campaign, ONE BILLION RISING, galvanized over one billion women and men on a global day of action towards ending violence against women and girls.