JSU Field Schools to Present Environmental Education Curriculum Teacher Workshop


Jacksonville State University Field Schools will present "Lessons with Aldo Leopold: Environmental Education Curriculum Teacher Workshop," on Saturday March 1 at the Little River Canyon Center.

This teacher workshop will incorporate an environmental education curriculum based on Leopold’s A Sand County Almanac.  Aldo Leopold is considered the father of wildlife management.  He was a conservationist, forester, teacher, writer, philosopher and outdoor enthusiast.  The Leopold Education Project was developed in order to create an ecologically literate citizenry by heightening student awareness of the natural world, fine-tuning the skills necessary to read the landscape, and instilling love, respect, and admiration for the land so that each individual might develop a personal land ethic. This workshop will be facilitated by Anita Salinas from the Environmental Studies Center in Mobile through the  JSU Field Schools. Teachers will receive 4 hours of credit through STIPD.

Date:   March 1, 2014 (Saturday)
Where: Little River Canyon Center
Time:   10:00 am – 3:00 pm; Teachers will receive 4 hours of credit through STIPD
Fee:     Free (Workshop is limited to 25 participating teachers and educators so please register early) 

To register, email rmorrison@jsu.edu or call 256-782-5697. For more information about the Little River Canyon Center please visit www.canyoncenter.org.