CAST Presents 'Best Christmas Pageant Ever' Dec. 5-15

CAST (Community Actors’ Studio Theatre) brings back one of the most beloved holiday stories of all time as it presents The Best Christmas Pageant Ever live at the McClellan Theatre, December 5 - 15.
It’s the tale of a traditional Christmas Pageant being turned on its ear by the addition of the wildly unruly Herdman children who demand to have key roles in the annual church production. Amid the mayhem and fun that result, the church congregation learns tolerance, the Herdmans find the true meaning of Christmas, and audience members have a delightful time as they are treated to a whole new take on the Nativity Story.
Based on the continual best-selling children’s book of the same name by Barbara Robinson, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is a family–friendly production that is sure to be a hit with young and old alike. Tickets are $15 adults, $10 for students and may be purchased online at or at the door. Group rates are available for parties of 12 or more and admission to Thursday night performances at CAST is always “Pay-What-You-Want-To”.
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever will be performed at the McClellan Theatre at 7:30 p.m. on December 5, 6, 7, 12, 13 and 14 and at 2:30 p.m. on December 8 and 15.
For more information call 256-820-2278 (CAST) or go to
Photo: Cast of the Best Christmas Pageant Ever (courtesy)