Alpha Xi Delta Sponsoring 5K Color Run and One Mile Run/Walk for Autism September 28

Join the sisters of Alpha Xi Delta in supporting Autism Speaks by participating in the 2013 5K Color Run/1 Mile Run/Walk on Saturday, September 28!
The 5K Color Run through campus begins on the Theron Montgomery Building lawn at 8 a.m., followed by a one-mile fun run/walk. All proceeds benefit Autism Speaks.
Last year, the Alpha Xi Deltas at JSU raised over $10,500 for Autism Speaks. This year they hope to increase that amount.
Registartion is $20 for the run or $10 for the walk. The price increases to $25 for the run and $15 for the walk after September 1.
You can register online here:
Register early to avoid the price increase!