Interim Administrators Appointed in Division of Academic and Student Affairs


November 30, 2012

In July 2012 and after 30 years of service to Jacksonville State University, Dr. William Carr retired as Dean of the College of Graduate Studies. Serving as his replacement as Acting Dean, College of Graduate Studies, is Dr. Joe Delap, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. Please join me in thanking Dr. Delap for his dedication to JSU and his willingness to assume these graduate studies responsibilities.

In November 2012, Kelly Osterbind resigned as Registrar to assume a similar position at the University of South Alabama. Serving as her replacement as Acting Registrar is Dr. Tim King, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. Please join me in thanking Dr. King for agreeing to expand his responsibilities to serve JSU as Acting Registrar.

Also in November 2012, Dr. Frank King retired as Associate Vice President for Distance Education. Until the vacancy created by his retirement is filled, the Office of Distance Education will report to the Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.

Your patience and cooperation are requested as we navigate through this transitional period in these three offices within the Division of Academic and Student Affairs. Thank you for everything you do to make JSU great!


Rebecca O. Turner, D.S.W.

Provost and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs