JSU History Club and Phi Alpha Theta Conducting Guatemala Children Shoe Box Program

You can help bring Christmas one box at a time to children in Guatemala.
The JSU History Club and Phi Alpha Theta are again sponsoring their annual Guatemala Children Shoe Box Program, which provides Christmas shoe boxes for Guatemalan children in need.
Please fill up a shoe box and return to the History Department, Dr. George Lauderbaugh, in Room 309 Stone Center by Dec. 15.
Suggested items:
- Small toys- balls, stuff animals, dolls, yo-yos, small Etch-a-Sketch, Slinky, etc.
- School supplies- pencils and sharpeners, crayons, coloring books, notebooks, solar calculators, etc.
- Hygiene Products- toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, brush, washcloth, etc.
- Other- socks, underwear, caps, sunglasses, hair clips, etc.
Please do not send- Used items, toy weapons, perishable foods, liquids, any medications or breakable glass items.
Please mark box tops to identify boy or girl and specific age group (5-9, 10-13, 14-16)
For more information or if you need an empty shoebox, please contact Dr. Lauderbaugh at ext. 8044 or via email.