Little River Canyon Center invites public to raise new flags, welcome new Superintendent, and tour new Exhibit

On Saturday, September 15, at 9:30 a.m., the Jacksonville State University Little River Canyon Center will host a flag raising ceremony beside its recently added flag poles. During the ceremony, Canyon Center Director Pete Conroy will welcome Gail Bishop, the newly assigned Superintendent of the Little River Canyon National Preserve and Russell Cave National Monument.
We're delighted to have a big morning lined up to help kick off a great day and we're particularly glad to help introduce Superintendent Bishop to our beautiful canyon and terrific community," said Conroy.
Highlighting the Flag Ceremony, Boy Scout Troop 106 Color Guard from Mentone, Alabama will present the colors and the Fort Payne High School Ensemble will present a program of patriotic music. The Fort Payne High School Science Club will raise the Earth Flag, State Representative Richard Lindsey will raise Alabama's State Flag and Superintendent Bishop will raise the US Flag. In addition, comments will be provided by John Dersham, President of the Friends of Little River Canyon and Dekalb County tourism Director.
Following the flag ceremony, a reception including refreshments and folk entertainment will celebrate the opening of the traveling exhibit "ALABAMA in the MAKING: Traditional Arts of People and Place." The exhibit will showcase the Alabama Folklife Association’s collection of photographs, audio interviews and videos. Using iPads, visitors can explore these collections and listen to Alabamians tell the stories of their experiences in folk and traditional arts. The Little River Canyon Center will host this exhibit from September 15 through Canyon Fest on November 3.
Donations are welcome but there is no cost to attend this event or exhibit.
WHO: Public event, all encouraged to attend
WHAT: Flag Ceremony, Superintendent Introduction, and Exhibit Opening
WHEN: Saturday, September 15, 2012,9:30 a.m.
WHERE: Little River Canyon Center, Fort Payne
Photo- Gail Bishop (courtesy)