Retirement Reception Planned for Dr. William Carr on July 23

The College of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education cordially invites you to a retirement reception honoring Dr. William D. Carr. The reception will be held at the Houston Cole Library, 12th floor, on July 23, from 3 - 5 p.m.
Dr. Carr has served as the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education since joining Jacksonville State University in 1982. Prior to Jacksonville State University, Dr. Carr held the position of the Associate Executive Director for Academic Affairs with the Alabama Commission on Higher Education in Montgomery, Alabama, from 1977 - 1982. Dr. Carr holds degrees from the University of Oklahoma (B.A. in Political Science), the University of Texas at Austin (M.B.A. in Business Administration, and Florida State University (Ph.D. in Higher Education).