JSU Offers National Counselors Exam Prep Course July 23-August 27


Let JSU's Office of Continuing Education and Co-Sponsors, Educational Resources, give you a hand with your National Counselor Examination (NCE) preparation. Beginning July 23, the course's six sessions will prepare you to:
  • Understand the dynamics of multiple choice testing;
  • Increase confidence and decrease test anxiety;
  • Learn how to focus and study more efficiently;
  • Identify critical information in questions and case studies;
  • Make appropriate clinical decisions and diagnoses; and
  • Increase proficiency in statistics and research.

Register online at www.coned.jsu.edu or by phone at 256-782-5918.

Date of Event: July 23-August 27, 2012
Time of Event: Mondays, 6 - 8 p.m.
Event Location: JSU McClellan, Room 2103
Cost of Admission $120