JSU Recognizes Outstanding Faculty at Annual Awards Program
Jacksonville State University recognized Outstanding Faculty Awards winners, faculty research award, tenure and promotion recipients as well as retirees and scholars at the annual Faculty Awards Program on May 8 at 5 p.m. on the eleventh floor of the Houston Cole Library. A reception followed on the twelfth floor.
Outstanding Teacher Award: Mrs. Gena Christopher, Instructor, English Dept.
Thomas Award for Outstanding Community Education/Service: George Lauderbaugh, Associate Professor, History Dept.
Faculty Scholar Lecturer Award: Dr. Chris Murdock, Assistant Professor, Biology Dept.
Ringer Faculty Development Award: Dr. Jeremy L. Benson, Assistant Professor, Music Dept.
The Outstanding Teacher Award, established in 1993, is a University sponsored faculty administered program designed to honor an outstanding faculty member for his/her efforts in teaching. The person selected for this honor receives an honorarium of $500, a budget of $500 for expenses, and a framed certificate that recognizes this accomplishment. All full-time faculty members are eligible to apply.
The Thomas Award for Outstanding Community Education/Service, established in Spring of 1999 and funded by Cleophus Thomas Jr., Esq., and Dr. Carla Thomas, is a University sponsored, faculty administered program designed to honor an outstanding faculty member for his/her achievements in the area of education or service to the civic community in the Jacksonville State University area. The person selected for this honor receives an honorarium of $500, a $500 budget for expenses, and a framed certificate that recognizes this accomplishment. All full-time faculty members are eligible to apply.
The Faculty Scholar Lecture Award, established in the Spring of 1998, is a University sponsored, faculty administered program designed to honor an outstanding faculty member for research, publication, or other original work in his or her field. The person selected for this honor will deliver a lecture, or an appropriate presentation, to the University community during the academic year of the award. The award carries an honorarium of $500 and a budget of $500 for expenses. All full-time faculty members are eligible to apply.
The Raymond and Ruth Ringer Faculty Development Award was established in the Spring of 2008 by Robert E. Ringer in memory of his parents, Raymond J. and Ruth Chisolm Ringer. The purpose of the award is to honor a faculty member actively engaged in exceptional scholarly research or professional development who would benefit from a monetary award for professional development or travel expenses. The recipient receives an honorarium in the amount of $1000 in support of scholarship, community service, and teaching. All full-time teaching faculty members are eligible to apply. Previous recipients of the award are not eligible to apply.
The recipients are chosen from applications submitted to the Faculty Senate Honors Committee.
Faculty Receiving Doctorate
Stacey Mann.
Retiring Faculty
Stephen Armstrong, Diana Cadwallader, Dale Campbell, Margaret Copeland, Mark Fagan, Nancy Fox, Ronnie Harris, Slenda Haynes, Beth Hembree, Clark Hudspeth, James Kelly, Patricia Lowry, Paula Napoli, James Roberts, Frank Romano, Glenn Roswal, Angela Sandberg Fin, Carlton Ward, Errin White.
Faculty Research Awards
College of Arts and Sciences
Safaa Al-Hamdani, John Brown, Robert Carter, Jan Case, George Cline, LaJoyce Debro, Wendy Faughn, Guillermo Francia, Joanne Gates, Larry Gray, Miriam Hill, Gloria Horton, John Jones, Richard Kania, Sri Krishnaprasad, Mark Meade, Nancy Mellen, Ronald Mellen, Linda Plotnick, Andrea Porter, James Rayburn, Roger Sauterer, Lori Tolley-Jordan, Jimmy Triplett, Steven Whitton, Lisa Williams and Randal Wood.
College of Commerce and Business Administration
Benjamin Boozer, Patricia Borstorff, Falynn Cartmill, Brent Cunningham, Michael Featherstone, Ben Hardy, Mark Hearn, Robert Landry, Keith Lowe, Michael Marker, Bill Scroggins, Cynthia Sneed, John Sneed, Christopher Westley.
College of Education and Professional Studies
Linda Allen, Jordan Barkley, Jimmy Barnes, Janet Bavonese, Noureddine Bekhouche, Jeff Chandler, Elizabeth Engley, Teresa Gardner, Kingsley Harbor, Donna Herring, Celia Hilber, Kyoko Johns, Nina King, William Kiser, Patricia Lowry, Mary Montgomery-Owens, Betty Morris, Charles Notar, Sharon Padgett, Jennifer Strain, Gena Thornburg, Roland Thornburg, Jennifer Troncale, Tommy Turner and Priscilla Wilson.
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Kimberly Craven, Elizabeth Gulledge, Rebecca Peinhardt, Christie Shelton and Phyllis Waits.
Houston Cole Library
Carley Knight, Bethany Latham, Harry Nuttall, Jodi Poe, Kimberly Stevens, Yingqi Tang, Douglas Taylor, Charlcie Vann and John-Bauer Graham.
Distance Education
Frank King.
Promotion (effective October 2012)
Associate Professor
Randal Blades, Kory Hill, Raina Kostova, Tamara Levi and Linda Mitchell.
Renee Baptiste, Noureddine Bekhouche, Myrtice Collins, Brent Cunningham, David Dempsey, John Ketterer, George Lauderbaugh, Charles Notar, Gena Thornburg, Hanrong Wang, Christopher Westley and Jeffrey Zanzig.
Tenure (effective Fall Semester 2012)
Randal Blades, Douglas Gordon, Kory Hill, Raina Kostova, Tamara Levi and Linda Mitchell.
Fulbright- Dr. Joe Morgan
Wuhan- Mark Brandon, Dr. Legare McIntosh
Visiting- Liu Hongzhao, Guo Wneping
FLTA- Amira Oudah, Vanessa Radom.
Service Pin Recipients
Ten Years
Jonathan Adams, Don Bennett, Robbie Boggs, Dean Buttram, Robert Carter, Mike Featherstone, Lori Galloway, Aaron Garrett, Allen Gilbert, Curtis Gladen, Jimmy Griffin, Donna Herring, Clark Hudspeth, Augustine Ihator, Dana Ingalsbe, Rhonda Kilgo, Jaedeok Kim, Youngmi Kim, David LoConto, Ron Mellen, Paula Napoli, Valerie Rimpsey, Laurie Phillips, Kay Prickett, Tim Roberts, Bill Schmidt, Daniel Smith, Jennifer Strain, Roland Thornburg, Lawson Veasey.
Fifteen Years
Jan Gryko, Chris Hosmer, Jerry Kiser, Kim Womack.
Twenty Years
Safaa Al Hamdani, George Cline, Kelly Gregg, Susan McCain, Deborah Prickett.
Twenty-Five Years
Johnny Brown, Jerry Chandler, Joanne Gates, Karen Henricks, Bill Hug, Steve Loucks, Patricia Lowry, Randal Wood.
Thirty Years
Doug Taylor.