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- 2022 Faculty Research Symposium Event Photos
2022 Faculty Research Symposium Event Photos

Best Long Presentation - Heidi and David Dempsey

Best Poster Presentation - Allegra Smith
Media backdrop at Merrill Hall
Allegra Smith receives her award from President Killingsworth.
David and Heidi Dempsey receive their award from President Killingsworth.
The FRS Committee
Amy Simon works the sign in booth at the FRS.
Amy and Ben.
Attendees in the atrium of Merrill Hall.
Attendees in the atrium of Merrill Hall.
Attendees in the atrium of Merrill Hall.
Afternoon refreshments.
College of Science
College of Education faculty at the FRS.
English Department faculty at the FRS.
Presenters at the FRS.
Tina Deshotels presents at the FRS.
Tina Deshotels presents at the FRS.
Jeremy Benson plays the flute for attendees in the atrium of Merrill Hall.
Kim Westbrooks presents her poster at the FRS.