Project 5: Other Multimedia Content

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Contact Online@JSU if you need any assistance with this project. We are glad to help.


Step 1- Review Content Types

Look for examples of high quality content in your discipline. Note from within each of the tools or services the manner in which one shares content with students. Are there similarities in the ways content is shared projects 1-4?

Multimedia Content Types

Video Channels

Example- Kahn Academy
Example- TedEd
Example- NPR
Example- Smithsonian Channel


Example- This American Life
Example- Clark Howard Show
Example- Wired
Example- This Week in Tech

Learning Objects and More

Example- MERLOT
Example- Cal Poly Pomona
Example- HippoCampus

Step 2- Submit What You Find

For each of the content types, provide at least one example in your discipline. Using the most appropriate sharing means (most likely a link), create a post in the Online@JSU Community. In the post, include the type name, a description of what is found, and the appropriate link or other sharing information.

This is the final submission for project 5.

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