Bibb Graves HVAC Replacement Project Schedule, Week 6: April 6-13


Bibb Graves HVAC Replacement Project
Project Schedule Week 6:  April 6th – April 13th

First Floor:

  • No work in offices
  • Demolition of ductwork and equipment in hallway
  • Startup of the units has been postponed until the week of May 13th due to the relocation of the rooftop units.

Second Floor:

  • Work in the following offices only:  Dr. Turner’s suite, Auditor’s Suite, Comptroller’s Suite, Gold Room Closet.
  • Continued work in hallway.  Ceiling grid scheduled to be installed April 15th.
  • Startup of the units has been postponed until the week of May 13th due to the relocation of the rooftop units.

Third Floor:

  • Ceiling grid will be installed this weekend and ceiling tiles by the end of the week.
  • Start-up of the HVAC equipment has been postponed until week of April 22nd due to the relocation of the rooftop units.


  • All units are set.  Work continues for refrigerant lines and power supply to rooftop units.


  • Positioning of these 8 units will be relocated to protect the aesthetics of the roof line.  All 8 units will be taken down, stored temporary on the quad, and be repositioned.  4 Units will be place in the bell tower and 4 units will be placed directly behind the bell tower.
  • The 4 units inside the bell tower will be set during the next week.  This will require the return of the crane.
  • The 4 units behind the bell tower will remain on the quad for approximately 2-3 weeks until new roof curbs are delivered.  At that time, a crane will return to set these units.

Important Notes:

  • No one needs to cover their furniture with plastic this week other than the suites listed above on the second floor.  If the contractor needs to return to your office, it will be for minor work only.  If necessary, the contractor will cover furniture while working.  
  • PPD will have a JSU HVAC Technician on site with the contractor at all times including nights and weekends.  These personnel will accompany & oversee work performed in in office areas.  If you require additional security, please contact us immediately so that we may make proper accommodations.