Bibb Graves HVAC Replacement Project Schedule for Week 2: March 9-15


 Bibb Graves HVAC Replacement Project

Project Schedule Week 2:  March 9th – March 15th

First Floor:

  • No work in offices or hallway
  • Contractor entrance is designated as North End.  Barricades & signage installed.

Second Floor:

  • No work in offices or hallway

Third Floor:

  • Contractor will be entering offices during the day to locate penetrations for drilling holes in the concrete deck above.  Contractor will remove individual ceiling tiles (1 or 2 per for each penetration) and drill a small pilot hole in the proper location.  At night, the contractor will core drill each of these locations.
  • Once the hole is complete, the contractor will install a short section of duct and diffuser in the ceiling.  These may also be completed during the day.
  • Air Handlers will be removed from hallways and demolition completed.  New HVAC equipment will begin to be hung in hallway


  • Contractor will continue core drilling approximately 100 holes in the third floor ceiling
  • Contractor will begin to set units in attic & ductwork through the concrete ceiling down into 3rd floor ceilings


  • Large crane tentatively scheduled for Wednesday (depending on material delivery) to set roof curbs and remove existing HVAC equipment.  Crane will be located on the quad side of the building.  Some quad exits & quad sidewalks will be blocked & clearly marked.

Important Notes:

  • PPD will have a JSU HVAC Technician on site with the contractor at all times including nights and weekends.  These personnel will accompany & oversee work performed in in office areas.  If you require additional security, please contact us immediately so that we may make proper accommodations.
  • AEA Week March 23rd – 31st:  Contractor will be working long hours with multiple crews.  It is strongly encouraged that all personnel stay out of the facility at this time.  If anyone must have access to their offices, we will need to communicate this with the contractor.
  • FYI….the ceilings of the first and second floor hallways are scheduled to be removed during AEA Week.  Therefore, the facility will not be very aesthetically pleasing until project completion.  If at all possible, it is recommended that meetings be scheduled in alternate locations such as the library.