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13 November 2007

JSU Gay-Straight Alliance
to Hold Interest Group Meeting

The JSU Gay-Straight Alliance, formerly known as SAFE, is holding an interest group meeting Thursday, November 15 at 7:45 p.m. in the TMB Auditorium.

GSA is backed by the national organization Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network. This organization is open to EVERYONE who wants to promote and take part in equality for all people, whether they are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

There will be open discussion. This is an interest group meeting. WE will be openly discussing ideas, projects, future meetings, etc. This meeting will follow an open discussion format where everyone will have an opportunity to voice their opinions, views and ideas. The group will be openly discussing ideas, projects, future meetings, etc. Prospective members are invited to attend this planning session.


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