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23 October 2006

Eminent Scholar Distinguished Scholar Lecture

The College of Commerce and Business Administration is presenting the Eminent Scholar Distinguished Scholar Lecture Series program on Monday, October 30 at 10:00 a.m., Room 101, Merrill Building. Dr. Eugene F. Brigham, Professor Emeritus, University of Florida, is the featured speaker.

Dr. Brigham is a Graduate Research Professor Emeritus at the University of Florida, where he has taught since 1971. Dr. Brigham received his MBA and and Ph.D. from the University of California-Berkeley and his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina.

Prior to coming to the University of Florida, Dr. Brigham held teaching positions at the University of Connecticut, the University of Wisconsin, and the University of California-Los Angeles.

Dr. Brigham has served as president of the Financial Management Association, and he has written more than 40 journal articles on the cost of capital, capital structure, and other aspects of financial management. The ten textbooks on management finance and managerial economics of which he is the author or co-author are used at more than 1,000 universities in the United States, and they have been translated into 11 languages for worldwide use. He has testified in numerous electric, gas and telephone rate cases at both the federal and state levels. He has served as a consultant to many corporations and government agencies including the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the U.S. Office of Telecommunications Policy, and the RAND Corporation.

Dr. Brigham continues to teach, consult, and do research, as well as continue his work on textbooks. He spends his spare time on the golf course and with his family and two dogs, Geoff (after Geoffrey Chaucer) and Chocolate Chip. He also enjoys outdoor adventure activities and recently returned from a biking trip in Alaska, where he and his daughter biked nearly 300 miles in a week and took a 15-mile, seven-hour hike up a 14,240-foot peak. He was glad to get back to textbooks!

Please join us on Wednesday for Dr. Prudlo's presentation as he takes us to Iceland and into times past. He will share the progress of the research, address some of the technological endeavors of the group, and give us insights into Iceland's history.

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