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17 October 2006


Pres. Meehan's Report to Board of Trustees Oct. 16

Capital Projects

Ayers Hall Transportation Building

Work is progressing on this project with completion anticipated late November. Electrical and plumbing work is taking place now as well as HVAC duct work and painting of walls. HVAC equipment is scheduled for November delivery and hookup. Hale Building Company is the contractor.

McClellan 3181 New Parking Lot

The parking lot is being built with federal funds received by Gadsden State Community College on JSU property. The contractor, McCartney Construction Company received notice to proceed on September 18th. The parking lot will contain approximately 70 spaces and will include lighting and landscaping for the site. Construction began at the site October 9th.

Demolition of Steam Plant, Abercrombie and Luttrell Halls

Taylor Corporation completed this project but requested a change order which was denied by the University. Taylor Corporation may petition the State Building Commission but has not sought this avenue of relief as of this date.

Little River Canyon Field School

Total funding from NASA is $6.3 million. Bids were opened October 12, 2006 from two contractors. The apparent low bidder is Virgil Barry Construction with a base bid of $8,860,000. No award is recommended as the base bid exceeds the construction budget.

Chimney Peak Observatory

Hale Building Company has formed the walls and floor slab for concrete pouring which began last week. This project will greatly enhance the University's astronomical observation and allow these scientific tools to be shared with public school. Completion is anticipated during Spring Semester 2007.

Art Department Annex Building

CCS Duncan of Madison, Alabama poured the concrete floor slab on October 6th. This building as approved by the Trustees is within the University Master Plan and will provide a safe environment for the Department of Art's ceramic studio as well as complete the reaccreditation requirements for this academic program.

Stadium Scoreboard

Bids were received from three contractors and opened on October 10th. The apparent low bidder is Daktronics, Inc., with a base bid of $820,810. Alternates included in the bid package were for electronic message boards at Pete Mathews Coliseum, Montgomery Building and a second scoreboard at Paul Snow Stadium. Funding from advertising sales and private gifts will sponsor these projects.

University Activities

Fall Enrollment

Our Fall Semester enrollment as of the last day to register (Sept.6) was a head count of 8,957 the University's third highest enrollment. The highest enrollment was Fall 2005 and the second highest, Fall 2003. The number of first time freshman enrolled for fall is the second highest since admission requirements were increased in the early 1990's. First time student enrollment (first time freshman and transfer students) is16 students less than last year and is the second highest in the last 16years. The greatest decrease in enrollment was at the graduate level with 179 students less than last fall.

In ACHE's comparison of Alabama's 13 four year universities; five had enrollment increases of more than 2%, six remained stable with gains or losses less than 2% (like JSU) and two had losses of enrollment of greater than 2%. The environment within Alabama will remain highly competitive for traditional college age students as the projection of Alabama high school graduates remains relatively flat over the next ten years according to the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education.

Jacksonville State University will continue to pursue its enrollment goal of 10,000 students. We have made significant progress over the last eight years with a 15.8 % enrollment increase. We will recruit qualified students first from Alabama but we will also target states like Florida where projections indicate 135,000 additional college students over the next five years. We will redefine the role and scope of the position of Associate Vice President for Student Affairs to include enrollment management and provide increased resources with the responsibility to not only bring new students to the campus but work to retain our current students. The University's Enrollment Management Committee has provided a number of ideas that will help in retention and recruitment. We will continue to pursue distance learning as a viable option for delivery of course work and programs. This method of instruction was chosen by 2,385 JSU students this fall.

The JSU Foundation is considering a proposal to the Board that would build apartment like dormitories and provide 300 to 500 additional living spaces on campus or adjacent to campus. The importance of apartment style facilities should not be overlooked as studies across higher education indicate that today, new students are making their choice of college not only because of the institution but because of where they will live. The preferred style is in an apartment like setting with private bedrooms and baths and a common living area shared by a small number of roommates. Today, this type of facility is being built most often on college and university campus.

University Housing

University Housing is in the ninetieth percentile for occupancy this fall. The University Housing and Residence Life report is on pages 41 & 42 of the Academic and Student Affairs Report, under tab 6 in your notebook. The report indicates the occupancy rate of university housing, apartment and residence halls is at 98%. The report also indicates the reopening of Curtiss Hall and other renovations of made to university living environments this year.

This fall for the first time in years the Office of University Housing and Residence life had waiting lists for men's and women's dormitories. This is a further indication of the need for additional University Housing.

Governmental Affairs

Although Alabama's legislators and other government officials are involved in their own campaigns, the prospects for funding fiscal year 07-08 appear positive. The Education Trust Fund continues to grow and the good news is that the Governor and the leadership in the Alabama House and Senate are talking about a capital projects bond issues for education.

The Governor is proposing a $500 million bond issue and the legislative leadership has discussed $1 billion. Either sound good as higher education has not had capital funding for new projects or deferred maintenance from the State for over eight years. The majority of funds would be for K-12 schools, approximately 70%. If funds are divided as in prior bond issues the balance for higher education, 30%, would be divided with 80% for 4 year universities and 20% for community colleges. This would mean between 3 to 6 million for JSU if funded.

Integrated Marketing

Over a year ago I asked our alumnus Tim Garner to join us as a consultant and help us focus on how he might help us advance the University's reputation and communicate the excellence that is Jacksonville State University. Mr. Garner has been successful in his own marketing firm in Atlanta with clients that included Kellogg, Coca-Cola, M&M Mars, NASCAR and others. I have asked him to come today and share with you his ideas and strategies for communicating the good news about Jacksonville State University.

Academic Affairs

I am pleased to ask Dr. Rebecca Turner, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs to report. Dr. Turner's written report is in your binder under "Tab 6" which you may read at your leisure.


I have asked Athletic Director Jim Fuller to share information about the changes he has made to his organizational structure. These will include the new position Assistant Athletic Director for Development and plans for the development of our expansion for Paul Snow Stadium.

Institutional Advancement

Mr. Joe Serviss, Vice President for Institutional Advancement will provide a brief update of our capital campaign.

Institutional Research

Last meeting I introduced Dr. Simmons as the new Director of Institutional Research and Assessment. She has been working with the University Strategic Planning Committee which has completed a draft of the University Strategic Plan. I have asked that she present this plan which is in your binder under tab 7, to you and discuss its timetable for approval.

Special Recognition

Mrs. Pamela B. Stinson - new executive secretary to the President of JSU.

Mr. Chairman that concludes my report.


William A. Meehan




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