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20 July 2006

Governor, Community Leaders Gather for AMSTI
on Monday, July 24


Governor Bob Riley and State School Superintendent Dr. Joseph B. Morton will address more than a hundred government and community leaders along with 250 educators at Jacksonville High School -- site of the general session of the Alabama Math Science Technology Initiative (AMSTI) summer institute -- on Monday, July 24.


AMSTI is the Alabama State Department of Education’s initiative to improve math and science teaching statewide. AMSTI training is for K-12 public school teachers and administrators who were selected by their school systems. Governor Riley and the Alabama Legislature provided $15 million in funding for AMSTI for 2006 and $22 million for 2007.


The general session will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Jacksonville State University President William A. Meehan and State Board of Education member Stephanie Bell will also address participants. 


Jacksonville State University's In-Service Education Center is one of eight regional in-service centers providing AMSTI training. The summer institute, to be held at Jacksonville High School July 17 -28, will have 250 participants from 75 public elementary, middle, and secondary schools primarily in northeast Alabama.


During the two-week training, teachers will be grouped according to subject and grade levels to learn instructional activities and strategies to be used in teaching the subject content in accord with the Alabama State Standards. AMSTI emphasizes hands-on learning of math and science by using instructional kits for specific content and grade levels. The instructional kits range in value from $600 to $5,000.

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