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20 October 2005

Photo Feature by Randy Wilson

Scottish Highland Games

Jacksonville State University's History Club recently went on a field trip to Atlanta to attend the Scottish Highland Games. In the two photos at top, clan representatives prepare for the parade of tartans (a tartan is a plaid garment of Scottish origin consisting of stripes of varying width and color, usually patterned to designate a distinctive clan). The clans march at the head of the parade during the opening ceremonies. In the second photo, a participant in the caber throwing competition is preparing to lift the caber onto his shoulder. The cabers used in this event were 30 feet long. In the third photo, a member of the Atlanta Pipe and Drum band perform during the band competition. The fourth photo shows members of the History Club gathering for lunch. Photos five and six show Greek statues at the Carlos Museum on the campus of Emory University. They date from 750 - 550 B.C. In photo seven, Dr. Llewellyn Cook, faculty advisor, examines Latin American artifacts that date from 300-350 B.C.

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