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6 September 2005
Multicultural Services
Merges with Student Life

In May 2005, the Office of Student Life and the Office of Multicultural Services merged into the Office of Student Life. A review of all programs and activities will be conducted during the summer and early fall to determine what will be offered throughout the academic year. There is an Assistant Director of Student Life-Multicultural Programming; Debbie Taylor will advise the Student Government Association with a concentration on Multicultural Programming.

The goal of this merger will be to offer a more Multicultural component to all campus programming. The traditional activities sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Services will now be sponsored by the Student Government Association.

The SGA will continue activities for Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and Women's History Month and will also look at new activities to sponsor throughout the year. The SGA will also combine activities such as "Cook out on the Quad" and "Fun Day on the Quad" so that all components of campus can come together in a diverse atmosphere.

There will be a Multicultural Advisory Boad that will make recommendations for programming to the SGA and the Assistant Director of Student Life-Multicultural Programming. The Office of Student Life-Multicultural Programming will make a strong commitment to explore new and innovative ways to reach all constituents of campus to determine what programs best meet JSU student's needs. The Assistant Director of Student Life-Multicultural Programming will join the Director of Student Life and Assistant Director of Student Life-Greek Life in planning a comprehensive out-of-the-classroom experience to students. These three professional staff members will have the opportunity to expand the current structure and offer programs and services that will enhance the college experience for all students.

At this time Debbie Taylor, is serving as the advisor for NAACP and African American Association. If you have any questions or concerns please contact her at 782-5490.

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