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Dr. John Hammett Named Assoc. Dean, Education & Professional Studies

23 November 2004 — Dr. John Hammett was named Associate Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies on November 18, 2004. Dr. Cynthia Harper, Dean of the College of Education and Professional Studies, said, "Dr. Hammett is an excellent choice for Associate Dean. He has a broad experiential and knowledge base in both education and professional studies programming. In addition to outstanding leadership qualities, Dr. Hammett has the energy level necessary to promote excellence throughout all areas served by the College."

Dr. Hammett holds a BSE degree in Health and Physical Education with certification in English and a master's degree in Physical Education from JSU. He earned a PhD in Health, Physical Education and Recreation with a concentration in Exercise Physiology from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1986.

Dr. Hammett taught and coached at the high school and college levels in Birmingham and Mobile before entering the doctorate program at USM. His initial collegiate appointment was at the University of South Carolina at Aiken where he taught health and physical education courses and created a university-based wellness program.

Since returning to JSU (1989), Dr. Hammett has been instrumental in developing a BS degree program in Exercise Science and Wellness, a comprehensive university-based wellness program, and revamping the BSE degree program in physical education. In 2001, Dr. Hammett was named as the Department Head for Health Physical Education, and Recreation. He has served as the NCATE coordinator for reaccreditation since November 2003.

When asked about the new appointment Dr. Hammett said, "I am looking forward to serving a strong and diverse faculty and student body as we face the challenges and opportunities of what I believe is a bright future for the College of Education and Professional Studies."

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