JSU Newswire
Jacksonville, Alabama

Office of Distance Education Offers Introductory Blackboard Training Workshop on Sept. 25

September 18, 2003 -- The Office of Distance Education is offering an Introductory Blackboard Training Workshop for faculty and staff. This workshop is intended to familiarize you with the Blackboard e-learning software platform that delivers a powerful, user-friendly environment for online teaching and learning. This workshop is open to instructors considering using Blackboard for online courses, supplementing traditional courses, teaching workshops, and more.

Goals of this workshop include:

  • Providing an overview of online learning policies such as copyright and instructional design, as well as online student characteristics
  • Familiarization with the navigation and course design in Blackboard
  • Practice adding documents such as PowerPoints and Word files to your course through multiple methods, including use of the new Assignment Management System
  • Content manipulation through course and content copy features
There is no fee for this workshop, and it is open to both faculty and staff who may be interested in using the Blackboard platform, or who need a refresher with any of the topics described above.

The workshop will be held on Thursday, September 25, 2003 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Further information about this workshop will be provided upon registration . To register for this workshop, please reply to this email srestaur@jsu.edu with "enroll in Intro Workshop" in the subject line.

Please submit your request no later than Wednesday, September 24, 2003 at 12:00 p.m. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation that you have been enrolled into the workshop.

If you have any questions or need further information on workshops provided, please contact me Sherri Restauri, Instructional Media Specialist Office of Distance Education, 782-8064.

***Need information on Instructional Design, Copyright, Student Advisement, Software Training, and more? Review the NEW Faculty Teaching Resources website at: http://www.jsu.edu/facstaff/resources.

*****Blackboard Instructors! Check out this NEW Bb faculty training webpage for tutorials, handouts, and more: http://www.jsu.edu/facstaff/resources/Bb_Faculty_Resources.html.


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