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18 April 2007
Police Writers Website Adds Current JSU Criminal Justice Department Head to its Listing

Dr. Richard Kania is a website dedicated to listing state and local police officers who have authored books.  The current head of the Criminal Justice Department at Jacksonville State University, Dr. Richard Kania was recently added to the police writers website. Dr. Kania was described as a budding academic who changed majors after his experiences in policing.

In December 2005, Dr. Richard Kania joined Jacksonville State University as the head of the Criminal Justice Department.  Previously, since 1999, he had been at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke leading their Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice.  From 1982 to 1999, he was at Guilford College in Greensboro, NC, rising to full professor, to head a department at Guilford.  He taught at UNC-Charlotte, and also for the Southern Police Institute of the University of Louisville and as a Senior Fulbright Professor for the Central European University in Warsaw, Poland while on sabbaticals.  In 2004-2005, he was awarded his second Senior Fulbright Professorship, teaching at the Belarusian State University in Minsk, the Republic of Belarus. 

Dr. Richard Kania originally majored in anthropology at Florida State University, where he earned his BA with Honors in 1968.  He continued in anthropology at the University of Virginia, earning the MA there in 1974, and wrote his MA thesis on conflict resolution and the law ways of the Hopi of Arizona.  In between the BA and the MA degrees, he served in the Army in Berlin and in Vietnam. 

Mid-way through his doctoral degree, his experiences as a Charlottesville Police Department (Virginia) police officer, led him to change his emphasis and eventually pursue a teaching career in Criminal Justice.  Presently, Dr. Richard Kania is also a sworn reserve deputy for the Calhoun County Sheriff’s Office (Alabama). 

Dr. Richard Kania has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals and authored one book: The 1605 Waymouth Expedition to the Coast of Maine: An Assessment of the Rosier Text, He has also co-authored: Diversity and National Identity in Belarus; Police and the Use of Force: The Savannah Study. now hosts 480 police officers (representing 206 police departments) and their 1010 books in six categories, there are also listings of United States federal law enforcement employees turned authors, international police officers who have written books and civilian police personnel who have written books.


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