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7 February 2007
Renee Morrison Elected as EEAA Director of Region 6

Renee and EPIC secretary, Beth Enders, at the 2007 EEAA Conference at Cheaha where they co-led a field trip entitled "To the Top" which was a waterfall hiking tour of Cheaha Mountain and Talladega Valley.

The Assistant Director of JSU Field Schools, Renee Morrison, has been elected to serve on the Environmental Education Association of Alabama's (EEAA) Board of Directors for Northeast Alabama serving as Director of Region 6. Renee will be promoting Jacksonville State University and environmental education in this official role for at least the next two years.

Renee and EPIC secretary, Beth Enders, represented JSU Field Schools last weekend at the 2007 EEAA Conference at Cheaha where they presented sessions to over 100 teachers and educators entitled, "From the Deepest Canyon to the Highest Mountain: Environmental Education in NE Alabama", "Creative Science: Finding Your Inner Artist", and they co-led a field trip entitled "To the Top" which was a waterfall hiking tour of Cheaha Mountain and Talladega Valley.

For more information about EEAA, contact Renee Morrison at

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