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18 January 2006

JSU's Jan Case and Marilyn Johnson present eight TI-73 graphing calculators to Sacred Heart School through a Benjamin Banneker / Texas Instruments Technology Award

Math Profs Present Calculators

Student Courtney Hall.

Two Jacksonville State University mathematics faculty members, Jan Case and Marilyn Johnson, visited Ms. Megan Barnes' eighth grade class at Sacred Heart School in December to provide scientific calculators, instruction on their use, and a party for the participants. The students used the TI-73 graphing calculators to create linear models to examine the relationship between the number of times they could bounce a ball during set intervals of time. The students collected data, graphed the results and compared their models. They discussed the use of models for data analysis and prediction of future results. The students then learned how to use downloaded applications on the calculators to practice mathematical skills such as conversion from fractions to percents. The applications convert common mathematical drill activities into a game format. The calculator keeps a running record of the names of the students who have the best times and scores. Principal Charles Maniscalco joined his students in the activities. Afterwards, students were served pizza, Cokes, and dessert. Many students continued with the calculator application drills/games after the presentation. Eight calculators were donated to Sacred Heart School through a $3000 Benjamin Banneker / Texas Instruments Technology Award that was received by JSU's Marilyn Johnson and Jan Case. The grant also provided 30 calculators that are now incorporated into JSU's mathematics classes for pre-service elementary and middle school teachers. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards place a significant importance on technology, calling calculators and computers "essential tools for teaching, learning and doing mathematics." JSU is committed to training future mathematics teachers to use a variety of methods to guide students toward skills in reasoning, pattern recognition, decision-making, and problem solving.

Principal Charles Maniscalco
observes Jerrell Woods

Elliot Sarver

Eighth grade instructor Megan Barnes with JSU's Jan Case, Marilyn Johnson,
and Principal Charles Maniscalco.

Recipients of the calculators and their teacher, Ms. Barnes, center.

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