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24 May 2006

2006 Faculty Awards Presentation

May 23, 2006

2006 Faculty Research Awards

Presented by Dr. Jeff Zanzig:
See Photos Below

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Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Joe Delap

Mathematical Computing Information Sciences

Dr. Jan Case
Dr. Jeffery Dodd
Dr. Guillermo Francia III
Dr. Srinivasarao Krishnaprasad
Dr. Edwin Smith
Dr. Monica Trifas
College of Arts and Sciences

Ms. Lisa Williams


Dr. Myrtice Collins
Dr. Wendy Faughn

Biology Department

Dr. Safaa Al-Hamdani
Dr. George Cline
Dr. LaJoyce H. Debro
Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou
Dr. Mark Meade
Dr. James Rayburn
Dr. Frank Romano

Physical and Earth Sciences

Dr. Kelly Gregg
Dr. Miriam Hill
Dr. Al Nichols
Dr. David Steffy
Dr. Nagarajan Vasumathi

Criminal Justice

Dr. Richards Davis
Dr. Robert Evans
Dr. Richard Kania
Ms. Nancy Mellen
Dr. Ronald Mellen

Learning Services / Psychology

Dr. Claudia McDade


Dr. Randall Davis
Dr. Carmine Di Biase
Dr. Pitt Harding
Ms. Gloria Horton
Dr. John Jones

Sociology and Social Work

Dr. Mark Fagan
Dr. Clark Hudspeth
Dr. Maureen Newton

History and Foreign Languages

Dr. Harvey Jackson
Dr. George Lauderbaugh
Dr. Timothy Pitts

College of Commerce and Business Administration

Dr. William Fielding
Dr. Louise Clark

Finance, Economics and Accounting

Dr. Ronnie Clayton
Dr. Rob Landry
Dr. Bill Scroggins
Dr. Christopher Westley

Management and Marketing

Dr. Pat Borstorff
Mr. Mike Featherstone
Dr. Michael B. Marker
Family and Consumer Sciences

Dr. Debra Goodwin
Ms. Paula Napoli
Ms. Karen Nemeth
Dr. Tommy Phillips


Ms. Laurie Charnigo
Ms. Bethany Skaggs
Mr. John-Bauer Graham
Ms. Hanrong Wang
Ms. Sonja McAbee
Ms. Jodi Poe
Ms. Kimberly Stevens

Health, Phsyical Education and Recreation

Ms. Donna Hey
Dr. Kory Hill
Dr. Jim McLaughlin
Dr. Glenn Roswal
Dr. Roland Thornburg
College of Education and Professional Studies

Dr. Cynthia Harper
Dr. John Hammett

Instructional Services

Mr. Mike Zenanko

Dr. Augustine Ihator

Secondary Education

Dr. Jordan Barkley
Dr. Delisa Dismukes
Dr. Charles Notar
Dr. Denise Richardson
Dr. Carol Uline
Dr. Jan Wilson
Dr. Marsha Zenanko

Curriculum and Instruction

Dr. Stephen Armstrong
Dr. Larry Beard
Dr. Rita Boydston
Dr. Dale Campbell
Dr. Elizabeth Engley
Dr. Teresa Gardner
Dr. Slenda Haynes
Dr. Celia Hilber
Dr. Nina King
Dr. Patsy Lowry
Dr. Judy McCrary
Ms. Lynetta Owens
Dr. Gina Riley
Ms. Sandra Sudduth

Technology and Engineering

Dr. Noureddine Bekhouche
Educational Resources

Dr. Hayden Center
Dr. Donna Herring
Dr. Jerry Kiser
Dr. Gordon Nelson
Dr. Steve Nowlin

College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Ms. Kristi Beam
Ms. Sumer Buckner
Dr. Deborah Curry
Ms. Sherron DeWeese
Ms. Carrie Elkins
Ms. Shannon Morrison
Ms. Christie Shelton
Dr. Anita Kay Williams
Ms. Shawn Wilson
Ms. Mendy Wright
Special Awards

Presented by Jodi Poe, Chair Faculty Research Committee:
Earlon & Betty McWhorter Outstanding Teacher Award

Dr. Roland Thornburg

Cleo & Carla Thomas Outstanding Community Education & Service Award

Dr. Nouredine Zettili

Faculty Scholar Lecturer Award

Dr. Edwin Smith

Retiring Faculty

Dr. Glen Browder, Professor/ Eminent Scholar, Political Science Department

Dr. Charles Olander, Professor, Biology Department

Dr. T. Allen Smith, Professor/ Department Head, Psychology Department

Dr. George Whitesel, Professor, Library

Mr. Floyd Kirby, Assistant Professor, Finance, Economics, Accounting Department
Service Pins:  
Ten Year

Jeffrey Dodd, Associate Professor
John Jones, Associate Professor
Nina King, Assistant Professor
Teresa Reed, Associate Professor

Fifteen Year

Karen Myers, Instructor
Gena Christopher, Instructor
Randall Davis, Professor
Jodi Poe, Assistant Professor
Twenty Year

Doris Bennett, Professor

Twenty-Five Year

Mark Fagan, Professor & Department Head
Gene Padgham, Instructor
Mary Jane Peters, Instructor
Jerry Reaves, Instructor
George Tyler, Instructor
Thirty Year

John Merriman, Professor
Karen Nemeth, Instructor

Thirty-Five Year

Marvin Shaw, Professor
Robert Felgar, Professor & Department Head

Forty Year

Ronnie Harris, Professor

Dr. David Dempsey, Mathematical Computing, & Information Sciences

Dr. Jeffrey Zanzig, Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Ms. Hanrong Wang, Library

Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis, Library

Dr. Tony Logsdon, Music

Dr. George Lauderbaugh, History/Foreign Languages

Dr. John Ketterer, Educational Resources

Dr. Charles Notar, Secondary Education

Dr. Noureddine Bekhouche, Technology and Engineering

Dr. David Steffy, Physical and Earth Sciences

Dr. Cynthia Sneed, Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Dr. John Sneed, Accounting, Finance, & Economics

Promotion to Associate Professor

Dr. Mijitaba Hamissou, Biology
Dr. David Dempsey, Mathematical Computing, & Information Sciences
Dr. Christopher Westley, Accounting, Finance, & Economics
Dr. Jeffrey Zanzig, Accounting, Finance, & Economics
Ms. Hanrong Wang, Library
Ms. Paula Barnett-Ellis, Library
Dr. Tony Logsdon, Music
Dr. George Lauderbaugh, History/Foreign Languages
Dr. John Ketterer, Educational Resources
Dr. Charles Notar, Secondary Education
Dr. Noureddine Bekhouche, Technology and Engineering
Dr. William Griffin, Health,Physical Education, & Recreation
Promotion to Professor

Ms. Diane Cadwallader, Art
Dr. Jan Gryko, Physical and Earth Sciences
Dr. Judy McCrary, Curriculum & Instruction
Dr. Carol Uline, Secondary Education
Dr. Cynthia Sneed, Accounting, Finance, & Economics
Dr. John Sneed, Accounting, Finance, & Economics
Dr. Roland Thornburg, Health,Physical Education, & Recreation

Special Recognition

Dr. Jeff Dodd was presented a certificate for Outstanding Job as President of the Faculty Senate.

Dr. Nouredine Zettili, second from left, received the Cleo and Carla Thomas Outstanding Community Service Award. He is shown with President William A. Meehan, far left, and Cleo and Carla Thomas.

Dr. Roland Thornburg, right, chats with President Meehan after receiving the Earlon and Betty McWhorter Outstanding Teacher Award.

Dr. Ed Smith, right, with President Meehan after receiving the Faculty Scholar Lecturer Award.

Service Pins were awarded to Dr. Ronnie Harris, far left, for his 40 years at JSU; Dr. Karen Nemeth, 30 years; and Dr. Robert Felgar, 35 years.

Twenty-five year service pins were awarded to Mary Jane Peters and Jerry Reaves.

Fifteen-year service pins were awarded to Dr. Karen Myers, Dr. Jodi Poe, and Dr. Gena Christopher.

Ten-year service pins were awarded to (front) Dr. Nina King, left, and Dr. Teresa Reed, right; (back) Dr. John Jones, left, and Dr. Jeff Dodd, right.


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