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16 May 2006

Calhoun County Holds Biggest Relay
in ACS Mid South Division

Calhoun County succeeded in holding the biggest Relay for Life event this year in the Mid South Division of the American Cancer Society.  The Mid South Division is made up of Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, Louisiana and Arkansas. JSU raised $15,000 and was the number 5 team in Calhoun County with that amount.

According to Lisa Haugen, Development Representative for the American Cancer Society, Calhoun County, "More cancer survivors attended Relay than ever before [resulting in] a record number of people, teams, and of course, dollars.  The excitement generated was enough to light up all of Alabama.  As many of you witnessed by being at the event at 11:00 p.m. or read in the "The Anniston Star" on Saturday morning, we had a blowout event with over $435,000 raised.  On Friday night, we knew that we were the biggest Relay in the State of Alabama!"

Relay For Life is a fun way to get involved in the fight against cancer! For more information, call 1.800.ACS.2345 or contact Lisa Haugen, American Cancer Society, about forming a team!!

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