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27 March 2006

Former Faculty Member Publishes Novel

Linda Rainwater

Former Jacksonville State University faculty member Linda Rainwater recently published her first novel, "The Second Milagro."

Rainwater (nee Gaulding) was born in Anniston and describes herself as a "closet writer" for much of her life.

As a professor of English for seventeen years, she taught everything from grammar to Shakespeare. Besides teaching at JSU, she also taught at Oxford High School and Auburn University, where she earned her Ph.D.

Leaving that profession, she traveled and collected words and knowledge needed for her next life, as a writer. "The Second Milagro" grew out of her travels in Mexico and her fascination with the Mexican culture.

According to Rainwater, milagro means "miracle" in Spanish. It is also the name of small brass, silver, gold or tin charms. The Spaniards introduced these charms to the New World, and they are still a part of life today in much of Central and South America. Those who have a special prayer for the saints buy the tiny pieces. Milagros come in all shapes, representing any ailment, any need. They are taken to the churches where they are pinned to the walls, altar cloths, crosses or the saints themselves.

She has two other novels in progress, "The Dream Changed" and "Framing the Truth."

"The Second Milagro" is available on,,, and local bookstores.

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