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6 March 2006

Marching Southerners Fundraiser
at McAlister's Deli Mar. 13

The Directors and Leadership Staff of the JSU Marching Southerners will be teaming up with McAlister's Deli to raise money for the Marching Southerners. The Directors and Leadership Staff of the band will be greeting customers, serving food, and busing tables for 10% of sales to be donated to the Marching Southerners.

This fundraiser is being held on Monday, March 13th at McAlister's Deli in Oxford from 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli is located at 815 Hamric Drive East in Oxford on the back side of the Quintard Mall. Support the Marching Southerners by attending this fundraiser.

Visit the Marching Southerners Web site at

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