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Second Saturday Space Safaris:
“Love Stories in the Stars”

Renee Morrison Poses as Dr. Darling

7 February 2005 — Travel through space during this exciting program led by Dr. Laura Weinkauf. Renee Morrison (as the zany explorer Dr. Darling) will introduce her adorable alligator named Cupid and every child who attends receives a special Valentine's Day surprise.

During this "family friendly" program, participants will learn the legends and myths of "romance" pertaining to astronomy as created by various cultures through the ages. No pre-registration is necessary; general public is welcome.

  • Date of Event: 2/12/05
  • Time of Event: 1:30 p.m.
  • Location of Event: 3rd Floor Martin Hall/JSU Planetarium
  • Admission Charge: $2.50 students/$5.00 adults
For more information contact Renee Morrison, LRCFS, at 782-5697 or

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