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17 October 2008

CS/CIS Degree Programs Receive
National Security Agency Certification

The National Information Assurance Education and Training Program (NIETP), which is administered by the National Security Agency (NSA), has certified JSU's computer science (CS) and computer information systems (CSI) courseware to meet all of the elements of the Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) National Training Standards for:

- Information Systems Security (INFOSEC) Professionals, NSTISSI No. 4011
- System Administrators (SA), CNSSI No. 4013 Entry Level

This certification adds a tremendous value to JSU's undergraduate CS and CIS degrees in that an NSA certificate can now be given to each graduate who completes the set of courseware. In addition, it brings JSU one step closer to being designated as a national Center of Excellence in Information Assurance Education. JSU becomes one of only four institutions of higher education to be certified in the state of Alabama. These institutions include Auburn, Tuskegee, and UAH.

The course mapping work was performed during the summer months by Drs. Guillermo Francia, III, Monica Trifas, and Aaron Garrett of the MCIS Department.


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